David Galeano Olivera

FOR the MEC EL GUARANI is a language second son NOMAS by: David Galeano Olivera definitely Guarani is a second son nomas language for MEC. It is the wildcard, which stretches from there to here; It serves to fill the CV perfuming of paraguayidad. The Guarani to the MEC is the damn stone guest, the annoying scree on the shoe, which cannot be undone once and then decided to make it to account drops. Ten years ago we have been announcing it. Filed under: Dr. Steven Greer. First, the teaching of Guarani was eliminated and was included in their place the jopara. Outlandish as Klasa, text, intelihensia, etc. Get all the facts and insights with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, another great source of information.

words were created and MEC told everyone that’s Guarani for more published thousands of books in jopara, not in Guarani. In fact the idea was and is to make it difficult; or better, Impresentable. The result: people got angry and began to protest. Today, as gua a. everyone dislikes Guarani; We are witnessing the next sad stage: reduce and exclude the Guarani from the medium level. However, worth reflect and remember the following: 1. the Guarani is the official language of Paraguay, alongside Castilian; 2. The Guarani language is language of Mercosur.

3. 87% Of the Paraguayan population speaks and understands Guarani. 4. Nearly 50% of the children attending the schools are Guarani-speakers and deserve to be respected in their linguistic rights. 5. College students (medicine, nursing, obstetrics, law, Sciences of education, agronomy, veterinary science, journalism, theology, etc) claim the teaching of Guarani, since it is and will be a vital tool in their professional development in order to communicate with society. In particular, medical students consider Guarani a staple material; the same, the students of law, which are prepared to understand oral trials, where more than one speaks only Guarani. 6. The national authorities the President and the Vice-President of the Republic; use it, so almost all senators and deputies; the President of the judiciary and the most judges and prosecutors speak it daily; so also do, different personalities in Sciences, arts and culture; as well as trade unions, peasants, church leaders and even the extraneros who live in Paraguay.

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Muscle-Growing Foods

Few women are especially who want to lose weight, and very few men who wish to do so and is mas create muscles that have been living with a volume-poor appearance that triggers them great I discouraged and low self-esteem. We know that the more complicated task to climbing or lose weight is to eat, grow muscularmente or slimming diets, food is a substance that can not miss each day. Optional for those thin people either male or woman eat in small amounts can help gain weight, but provided that they are in several sessions, it means that if we would eat 3 regular meals and we will turn them into something tiny but quality must be 5, 6 or 7 depending on the quantity that our body can adapt will begin with up to 4. One of the diets for growing muscularmente would be constituted in the following manner, if you think it it difficult to whet your appetite begins with 4 meals, if you can have all the meals that are indicated in the list of a day. Breakfast oatmeal one cup, toasts or crackers with butter, a glass of milk, and 2 apples. Lunch different meats or proteins can opt for fillets of beef grilled meats, chicken steamed, or Tin in water fish prey, or cooked without oils that are of vegetable origin, a cup of rice or noodles, not a regular salad, a glass of fruit juice and dairy products. Vegetable stew cooked, whether beans, legumes, beans and a glass of citrus fruits such as orange juice or grapefruit which you can sweeten with honey a tablespoon or natural sweeteners, dinner a bowl of cereal with milk and raisins 5. As meals in your diet to grow muscularmente you have to add snacks between these three meals as mentioned, they consist of protein bars, dried fruit drives almonds, raisins, peanuts, olives, a glass of juice with a supplement of protein powder from 2 to 5 tablespoons. And any whim that you have without adding to it too many fried foods, you can eat them but not as habit each day. To see which is the proven plan for any naturally skinny man can finally increase muscle mass, please click here.

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The Health Of The Planet

THE health of the planet his life was crazy fear of death. . It was not known where, more in a hidden place, protected from the time, protected from the world and all eyes, placed the Tomb.. Gabriel Celaya. THE connections between ecology and health development models that have brought us to the world we live in today is not maintainable for a long time.

There is a social polarisation that is not only unfair, but also very dangerous; It is seriously and irreversibly damaging many ecosystems on the planet and destroying the social system that assumes the same basis for current economic growth. Life expectancy is distributed unevenly in the world; Spaniards we enjoy together with the Japanese and Swedes of the best hopes of life, aventajamos in 7 years to the Russians, in 20 to Kenyans and Indonesians and in more than 30 inhabitants of Afghanistan, Mali and Sierra Leone. More than 1 billion people in all the world continue to suffer from absolute poverty, the poorest 20 percent has one 150 times less than the richest 20 percent income. In developing countries, while they have with 75 percent of the world’s population, have only 17 percent of the GDP of the world, 11 percent of spending on education, 8 percent of the industry and 6 percent of health spending. The situation has become so serious that even institutions that had supported the old model of economic growth, as the World Bank are paying an important turn in their policies. A report by the World Bank invest in health, acknowledges that the emphasis on economic growth at all costs has had disastrous consequences in the conditions of life and work and consequently in the health of the most vulnerable social groups. For its part, the United Nations development programme, proposes the search for new models of human development focused on the massive participation of the population and defining their own objective of the economic development as the expansion of the options for the entire population.

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